Design system for CV and letter generation in Astro
Design system for CV and letter generation in Astro
Astro component for cached icons
Astro Integration of @originjs/module-federation package.
Interactive CLI for create @QwikDev/astro projects.
Display a progress bar between page navigations when using View Transitions
A typography component for Astro and React to use in your projects.
A simple npm node integration for customizable emote comments and comments sections
Windi CSS + Astro Integrations

Components for the Astro Odyssey theme
Add custom 'public' directories in Astro
Astro Framework
Adds Astro support for Tailwind v4
Rerender just the parts that change
Embed tweets in your Astro sites with zero JavaScript on the client side. This is a (slightly opinionated) port of the fantastic react-tweet library. Huge thanks to Vercel and all the contributors of react-tweet.
Use the Astro Simple Analytics Plugin to quickly integrate Simple Analytics in your Astro project with parameter control over several features.
Deploy your site to Zeabur
Components interacting with the Spotify API.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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